Capitalism / the American Financial System (excepting those ways in which it can be good and/or beneficial to our subjective lives)
Racism / Systemic Racism / Race as a social construct
Hilariously Specific and Over-Targeted Buzzfeed Listicles
The word "Listicles"
College Loans / The American Collegiate System / Higher Education as an abstract and destructive concept (excepting the parts where education is good, and therefore costs money sometimes, but not like *too* much money)
The New York Yankees
The Prison Industrial Complex
Israel and/or Palestine (depending on which one you objectively and factually take absolute issue with, excepting all considerations for nuance)
Rush-hour Traffic
Waiting in line at the Post Office
Convoluted Internet / Cable / Telephone Packages that are specifically designed to eradicate all hope that exists within the human soul
Binaries (excepting for computer language)
Gender Binaries
Surveillance (excepting for That Totally Shady Guy Over There)
Representative Democracy (excepting those ways in which it can be good and/or beneficial to our subjective lives)
Socialism (excepting those ways in which it can be good and/or beneficial to our subjective lives)
Law Enforcement (excepting the occasions in which we benefit from their protections* *When quantifying said benefits, your mileage may vary, based on your perceptions and experiences w/r/t the aforementioned grievances)
Journey (the band) (obvi)
(Snark-Free) Suggested Reading:
I Am Black And Gay, But I Refuse To Be Proud This Weekend
"Whether I am legally married or not, the rainbow flag of LGBTQ equality will never shield my black body from a reckless police officer's bullet. I cannot summon enough pride to prevent my black, gay body from being the target of white racial supremacy. I cannot selectively choose which fight I can show up for, because mere survival requires me to fight for racial, sexual, gender, economic and social justice at once."
Same-Sex Marriage Isn't Equality For All LGBT People. Our Movement Can't End
"I worry that, with full marriage equality, much of the queer community will be left wondering how else to engage with a society that still wants to define who we are — and who in our community will be left to push for full equality for all transgender and queer people, now that this one fight has been won. I fear that our precious movements for social justice and all the remarkable advancements we have made are now vulnerable to being taken over by monied people and institutions, and that those of us for whom same-sex marriage rights brings no equality will be slowly erased from our movement and our history."
4 Black Churches burnt in North Carolina, Georgia and S.Carolina in the past 5 days
Some People With Disabilities Are Prevented From Getting Married And Here's Why
"If we marry, Social Security expects us to become the financial burden of our spouse. If ourespouse is able-bodied,how are they going to have a job and provide services? I require 24-hour care, personally, so if I were to get married, my partner would not be able to work, because she would spend all her time doing my care. We would be destitute. We would lose our home. We would not be able to afford to eat. This can put a huge amount of stress on the person having to do all the care, and the person with a disability may become trapped in a harmful situation, with no way out. If both people have a disability, both of their services are cut. If they both rely on SSI, neither of them will have enough to live, and they may not be able to get Medicaid services essential to survival."
(okay I actually do take some issue with the oversimplification and extreme generalizations made in this one, but I still think it's a valuable perspective to consider. the author is clearly trying to capitalize on the marriage equality boom to bring attention to some very-real issues, even though I might argue that those issues are related more to healthcare and social stigmatizations than to marriage equality, and some of the examples used in this article might be very rare and specific situations that would be exceptions to the exceptions of exceptions and would be nearly impossible to plan and/or legislate for. But I digress; it's still worth reading.)