
Thom Dunn is a Boston-based writer, musician, and utterly terrible dancer. He is the singer/guitarist for the indie rock/power-pop the Roland High Life, as well as a staff writer for the New York Times’ Wirecutter and a regular contributor at Thom enjoys Oxford commas, metaphysics, and romantic clichés (especially when they involve whiskey), and he firmly believes that Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" is the single greatest atrocity committed against mankind. He is a graduate of Clarion Writer's Workshop at UCSD ('13) & Emerson College ('08).

Song of the (Bi-)Week, Week 6: "Sunday Morning"

Because for some reason, these things never go as planned. I was all set to post a slow pretty version of "Sunday Morning" by the Velvet Underground, using only a clean, warm electric guitar, and a bass synth pad. Then, around midnight on Thursday, I had a Eureka moment, and came up with this instead (and incidentally kept my girlfriend awake until about 3am WHOOPS). Realizing I had to be awake in 6 hours, I decided to postpone the release of the song until....well, Sunday morning. How do ya like that! Enjoy!

[soundcloud url=""]

Song of the (Bi-Week), Week 1: "After the Gold Rush"

I've recently decided to record a cover song every 2 weeks in 2011 and post them here on my website for free as a way to keep me constantly making new music. These won't just be me with an acoustic guitar; they'll be fully interpreted and arranged songs (albeit recorded on my laptop, so not always the best quality). This week, for the first entry in 2011, I recorded "After the Gold Rush," from Neil Young's 1970 album After the Gold Rush. Enjoy!

[soundcloud url=""]

Suggestions/requests for future Songs of the (Bi-)Week are always welcome.